SmokeShop Magazine write-up
Cigar Reserve Cedar Spills for Sophisticated, Natural Lighting
Take your cigar establishment to the next level by offering your customers the best cigar smoking experience possible. Tobacco absorbs any aroma or fragrance that it comes in contact with, but Spanish cedar wood enhances of tobacco. Cigar Reserve Cedar Spills allow the true flavors of fine cigars to shine through the traditional way, without introducing flavor-changing chemicals, such as butane and sulfur, which contaminate cigars when using most lighters or matches. Made in the U.S.A., these spills have been engineered for a controllable flame, allowing users to toast their cigar with precision and create an even burn, while the classy and sophisticated Spanish sword design enhances the lighting ritual. Only the highest grade Spanish cedar is used in making Cigar Reserve Cedar Spills. This specialty item is ideal for tobacco retailers, lounges or manufacturers. Suggested retail price is $14.95 for boxes of 25, or $19.95 for boxes of 50. Custom laser engraving, perfect for business or brand names, is also available.
Cigar Reserve Cedar Spills, Lake Oswego, Ore., Tel: (503) 522-4915, Email:, Web:
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