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Ashton is one of the world's premier luxury cigar brands. A perennial "Top 5" brand in the U.S. market, Ashton cigars are celebrated worldwide for quality, consistency and excellence. This wildly popular 5-cigar assortment features five of Ashton’s most prominent blends, making this sampler an essential gift item. A first-class selection of the finest aged tobaccos produces a wealth of rich, savory tasting notes and superior flavor profiles. Handmade in the Dominican Republic.
Size: 5.5 x 50 ; Strength: Medium-Full ; Shape: Robusto ; Origin: Dominican Republic
Size: 6 3/4 x 48 ; Strength: Medium-Full ; Shape: Churchill ; Origin: Dominican Republic
Size: 6 x 52 ; Strength: Medium-Full ; Shape: Belicoso ; Origin: Dominic Republic
Size: 6 1/2 X 44 ; Strength: Medium-Full ; Shape: Lonsdale ; Origin: Dominican Republic
Size: 6 X 50 ; Strength: Medium-Full ; Shape: Toro ; Origin: Dominican Republic